Analyising Film Posters and Film Trailers This film poster advertises the new film, Identity Thief. Within this poster there are a multiple use of colour and lightning especially showing the split scene. This shows the contrast in many ways, one being the lighting of the photos, the female has loads of colour within her outfit and by far looks more happier then the male on the left. Secondly the contrast of colour for the male is more dull and unlike the females happy expression the male actor has a more harsher and confused look. The layout and design is not like most posters where for example there may be a key figure alongside a landscape behind. The font and typography can be described as quite thick, bold, and big. They only consist of a minimum of 3 colours, white, grey and yellow. However the use of yellow means that it highlights the important factors on the poster for example " Thief " can represent the genre of the film which could be partly action/crime...
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