
This newspaper article represents a negative stereotype of young teenagers. It can also be said that this article shows many ways in which the police and the youths are also represented in the media.

This article can portray many stereotypes about young youths/ teenagers in ways such as most being violent which leads to them committing offences and crimes. To many it could highlight a few stereotypes towards police officers such as, due to some experiences people may have they may think that all police officers are evil. The hypodermic needle theory uses these stereotypes to highlight adults perspectives mostly on the younger generation. This has been highlighted through the title and the specific language 'Three teenagers', making the headline noticeable and making the police officer a victim of the headline news. This article implies that teenagers are into crime and violence but also the idea of carrying dangerous weapons too. It can also put fear into adults against the younger generation but also they can become more aware and alert of certain youths that may hang around forming groups that they may be the stereotype for example: violent and that they are criminals, planning their next crime.

Some who read this article could debate that the title is an ongoing problem and could be due to the stereotypes that all teenagers are antisocial. For example people tend to think that those who play video games are more likely to commit crimes as they play violent games which influences the young.


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