How does a musical artist explore their star persona through techniques of music video? Roar & Swish Swish by Katy Perry Group work Katy Perry's music videos have changed recently this is because her star persona has changed. Before she highlighted the fact she was feminine ,however now her star persona represents her as a quirky, unique person. In Roar and Swish Swish the use of mid shots is used a number of times ,for similar reasons. Roar uses it so we get a taste of the nature themed scene and see Katy Perry at the same time. Swish Swish uses it so the audience knows the that it is set in a basketball game. In Roar Katy Perry throws away her shoe ,which symbolises her throwing away her femininity and becoming the queen of the jungle. Additionally, Katy is wearing revealing clothing, this represents her as a sex object,this could make her appealing to men ,although she is not overly objectif...
Showing posts from November, 2017
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Inform, persuade and sell In this essay I will be exploring how our advertising campaign will inform,persuade and sell to our target audience which is middle class teenagers from all ethnicities. Our campaign looks to inform by consisting facts which gives the shock factor to our audience. We do this by informing them about the amount of girls who have little confidence due to the influence in the media and trying to look like those who they see on online, TV and in magazines. Our main fact that we will be using is "having clear and healthy skin was important to 81% of young girls". We believe that this fact is suitable for our campaign as it highlights that a large amount of girls are affected by this problem and how important it is to them. Once this is used we hope to use emotive language which would not only sell the product but also help to solve the widespread problem this is happening in our day to day society. We aim to persuade our audience with our images o...
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Photo analysis Firstly we came up with the idea of having Selena Gomez as our unique selling point for our campaign. We wanted to show the feeling that Selena felt when she was confident with her own skin. So for the first image we used the opacity tool on photoshop to put two images together, this allowed us to show a contrast in her emotions as she was happier without her make up and how the product changed her skin and the way she feels. The images in general are bright to show freshness and happiness that comes with it, this helps the promotion of our product as it highlights our products message to owning healthy and fresh feeling skin which will ensure you with confidence and in result to that, happiness as well. The picture with make up is showing her being tense, highlighting that she doesn't feel comfortable as she finds the need to hide her imperfections with make up. On the other hand, the image where she doesn't have make up on, presents her as a happy and ...
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Advertising a beauty campaign Various steps we took to get to our final The original picture of Selena Gomez without make up. Here I experimented with changing the brightness so she would look more glowing. I tried to experiment with changing certain aspects Here are three of the designs which are considered to be the final one. This is our logo we created online.
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How does a musical artist explore their star persona through techniques of music video? Roar & Swish Swish by Katy Perry Roar, released in 2013 and Swish Swish, released in 2017 are two of her up to date music videos, which includes Katy Perry herself as the main focus point. There are many differences between both of Katy Perry’s music videos, which shows the change of her star persona whether that is physically or technically. In Roar there are many uses of mid shots, close ups and extreme long shots which shows her confidence within herself but also ensuring that her appearance is powerful. In Roar she portrays herself as feminine, which is shown, through her hairstyle, which gives her the feminine look. However it could be said that her femininity comes to a pause as 1:49 minutes into the video as she uses her heel to make a spear. Alongside that her position, which makes her look like she is ...
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How does 2 newspapers mediate a recent news event? On the left you have a newspaper from the guardian which is seen to be more on the left wing. It can be described as the positive side for example the newspaper gives the audience and overview if you don't vote to remain which is their persuasion. Their vote to remain is written in yellow which is a bright colour enabling it to stand out to the public. Looking closely at the newspaper they also have a heading which gives people an insight about the death of Jo Cox with a big picture of her which also can be seen as a way to grab people's attention. The Sun is on the right wing, which means that they show that they don't want to be dependent on anyone and that they would benefit and be better off as an independent country. This example the Sun shows, is them promoting that people should vote to quite the EU. This is achieved by them using a big and bold heading and also not forgetting the u...